General-interest publications

These pages list all my publications, in the three main genres of scientific, pedagogical and general interest.

For each genre, publications are sorted according to quality:

  • A. Peer review, selective acceptance
  • B. Editorial review, selective acceptance
  • C. Other publications

Category A include only publications in peer-reviewed fora which are actually selective, i.e., where a significant proportion of submissions are rejected.

Category B comprise invited papers as well as articles and chapters reviewed and accepted by editors.

Books form a separate category (0), mainly out of respect for conventions.

This page comprises published works for the general public (»populärvetenskap«) as well as surveys and similar works for academic audiences outside the core field of interaction design.

A. General-interest publications, peer review, selective acceptance

Löwgren, J. (2008). Interaction design. Foundational entry in the online encyclopedia, entirely revised in 2012.

B. General-interest publications, editorial review, selective acceptance

Lerner, T. (2017). Upp med händerna! Modern Psykologi no. 1, 2017, pp. 46–53. Popular-science article on the connections between the hand and the mind, with a feature on my bookbinding practice and my thoughts on what it means.

Dimitrova, K. (2016). Beyond screens. Contagious #49. Survey article on wearables and screenless interaction, based on interviews with me and a number of other scholars and designers.

Löwgren, J. (2016). Professor i interaktions- och informationsdesign. One-minute presentation video for Linköping University commencement ceremony, in Swedish.

Lerner, T. (2016). Dataprofessor som hyllar hantverket. Dagens Nyheter, May 25, 2016 (interview with me, in Swedish).

Wik, M. (2016). Trendspaning sociala medier. Hej Livet, May 2016 (interview with me, in Swedish).

Nesser, J. (2014). Massmedierna är rökta men inte journalistiken. Journalisten, January 2014 (interview with me, in Swedish).

Löwgren, J. (2014). Interaction design in the year 2014 and beyond. Media Evolution, January 2014.

Ørngreen, R., Selander, S. (2011). Interview with Jonas Löwgren. Designs for Learning 4(2):52–59.

Löwgren, J. (2011). Designerly ways of working in UX. Johnny Holland Magazine, October 2011.

Löwgren, J. (2005). Mönster av beprövad erfarenhet/Mönster som inspiration. Article for on the significance of examples and patterns in interaction design. In Swedish.

Löwgren, J. (2003). Sju punkter om hackerkulturen. [Seven points on the hacker culture]., published November 2003. Invited paper to the Nätkulturer conference on youth culture and the Internet, Umeå, November 2003. In Swedish.

Löwgren, J. (2002). How far beyond human-computer interaction is interaction design?, published April 2002. Also in Digital Creativity 13(3):186–189.

Löwgren, C., and Löwgren, J. (2001). Datorer i skolan inget självändamål. [Computers in schools not a goal in itself.] Smålandstidningen, June 6, 2001. In Swedish.

Löwgren, J. (2001). IT-design: Att forma framtiden. [IT design: Shaping the future.] In Olsson, B. (ed.) Användarperspektivet – Strategier för att förstärka samspelet mellan användare och utvecklare. Vinnova Rapporter VR 2001:18, Stockholm: Vinnova. In Swedish.

Löwgren, J. (2000). Varför bredband? [Why broadband?] Smålandstidningen, August 2, 2000.

Löwgren, J. (2000). Att »presentera« forskning i digitala medier. [Research »presentation« in digital media.] Praktik och teori 2:80–89, Malmö högskola. In Swedish.

Löwgren, J. (1999). 2003 års nyhetsmedier. [News media in the year 2003.] In PC:n är död – länge leve PC:n! SOU 1999:86. In Swedish.

Ehn, P., Löwgren, J. (1996). The Qualitheque: Systems at an exhibition. interactions 3(3):53–55.

Nakakoji, K., Malinowski, U., Löwgren, J. (1996). Knowledge-based support for the user-interface design process: A CHI ’95 workshop. SIGCHI Bulletin 28(1):43–47.

Löwgren, J. (1995). Usability-oriented design and design support. In Waern, Y. (ed.) Cognitive science and information technology: Prerequisites and consequences of the use of information technology, pp. 53–56. Uppsala: HSFR.

Löwgren, J., Ottersten, I. (1995). Nya utgångspunkter viktigare än nya metoder. [New foundations more important than new methods.] Computer Sweden 40, p. 35. In Swedish.

Dayton, T. et al. (1993). Skills needed by user-centered design practitioners in real software development environments: Report on the CHI ’92 workshop. SIGCHI Bulletin 25(3):16–31.

Löwgren, J. (1990). Klara gränser förenklar dialogen. [Clear boundaries simplify the dialogue.] Industriell Datateknik 19, pp. 30–33. In Swedish.

C. Other general-interest publications

Löwgren, J. (2021). Speculating on future democracy. Introducing the work of MSc Design students creating speculative video scenarios on the topic of future democracy.

Löwgren, J. (2020). Fundamentals for talking about research through design. An introduction in English and Swedish to some foundational concepts of research through design.

Löwgren, J. (2019). Snapshots from COA, fall 2019. An annotated collection of pictures from my sabbatical term at the College of the Atlantic.

Löwgren, J. (2019). Two years of visual media design at Linköping University. A retrospective of the first two years of visual media work at the MSc Design program.

Löwgren, J. (2009–2014). Substrate design issues. Semi-regular blog entries on interaction design in the Substrate project, published at the Substrate project blog.

The Substrate project is an ongoing co-production with Sigma Kudos in which we look at collaborative-media approaches to technical information. I am the lead writer for the project blog.

Löwgren, J. (2009–2014). Topics in new media. Semi-regular blog entries on topics of interest in new media, published at the Medea website.

There are several kinds of blog entries in the same blog; to find these ones, select the New Media category in the menu on the right-hand side of the page.

Löwgren, J. (2009). Pre-Medea showreel. A presentation of new media work at Malmö University 1998–2008 in the form of a showreel and a series of blog posts.

I edited and produced the showreel, and wrote the blog posts, in connection with the first external Medea presentation in May, 2009.

Järvenhag, C. (2009). Produkten är död – Länge leve upplevelsen! [The product is dead – Long live the experience!] KK-bladet, #1, March 2009.

An article on the service economy based on an interview with me.

Westerlund, N. (2007). Designprofessor i IT-användarnas tjänst. [Design professor in the service of IT users.] On Track #1, March 2007.

An article in a customer magazine for Gothenburg train passengers, focusing on interaction design for everyday use (and its general lack of aesthetic sensibility).

Ehn, P., Löwgren, J., Sørensen, J., Ullmark, P. (2004). Som en fågel i skogen. Studies in Arts and Communication #02, Malmö University.
Available in Quicktime at Malmö University Electronic Press.

Ehn, Ullmark and I arranged a seminar in memory of Donald Schön in Malmö in April 1998. Highlights from the seminar are presented in a 48 minute movie, including discussions by Erik Stolterman, Bertil Rolf and Jerker Lundequist. The movie is edited by Jannick Kirk Sørensen.

Löwgren, J. et al. (2001). Bredband i Eksjö 2005. [Broadband in Eksjö in the year 2005]. A project where I worked with local college students in exploring Eksjö residents’ views on future IT and broadband communication.
Summary of results (in Swedish, PDF, 550 kB).
Full report (in Swedish, PDF, 1.2 MB).

Löwgren, J. (1998–99). IT-krönikan. [Columns on IT.] Biweekly columns in Smålandstidningen, Tranås Tidning and Vetlandaposten.
Full columns are available in Swedish.

Löwgren, J. (1998). Beteendevetenskap? Interaktionsdesign! [Behavioral science? Interaction design!] Essay on the calls for psychologists in the web industry, and my view that interaction design is what is needed.

Usability Matters! Newsletter in Swedish for professionals interested in the work of our research group in Linköping. Four issues published 1994–96, approx. 200 copies each.
Number 1, Number 2, Number 3, Number 4 (PDF).